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Undergraduate students:

In our lab, we strongly believe that the best way to encourage young minds to take up Science as a career is to encourage them to do research on their own. Towards this end, in our lab we have set up a system to facilitate undergraduate research. We engage in regular scientific discussions with interested undergraduate students and encourage them to come up with interesting questions of their own. We also take in students through the IISER Mohali Summer Research Program as well as the summer research programs of JNCASR and the Science Academies. Several undergraduate students have very successfully carried out research in our lab and have published their results in reputed journals such as Evolution and Scientific Reports. If you are interested in being a part of our research, please contact Dr. Prasad.


PhD Students:

We are often on the lookout for bright students who are motivated to do high quality research. Research students get a lot of freedom in choosing their problem and designing their experiments. The only condition is that the problem should fall within a wide definition of our overall research interests. As a rule, we avoid asking students to work on a pre-determined project. We would rather help the student through active interactions to build their own research projects.


Though we typically use D. melanogaster, we are not particular about the model organism. We strongly believe that the model organism and methods (organismal, molecular) are secondary to the scientific question. We are open to working with new model organisms and new experimental techniques. Additionally, we are open to interdisciplinary work. For example, one of our PhD students, works on a collaborative project with Dr. Kavita Dorai of Dept of Physical Sciences, IISER Mohali and uses NMR for her studies.


We take in PhD students through the IISER Mohali PhD and Integrated PhD program. The details of the program can be found here and here.


Post Doctoral Positions:

Our lab may be able to offer a postdoctoral position based on the availability of funds and positions. IISER Mohali also funds postdoctoral positions. The details of this program can be found here. If you are interested, please contact Prof Prasad.

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